Thursday, September 25, 2014

Creative Interactive Use of Technology in the Classroom

Creative Interactive Uses of Technology in the Classroom
I truly had no idea that so much educational technology existed! Even though I have only reviewed, what I assume to be, a small percent of the educational technology currently available, I am overwhelmed with the sheer volume of digital teaching aids. Some of the technology I reviewed offered rich experiential opportunities, while others were sometimes very “glitchy”, and cumbersome to use. Educators need to remember that the goal of technology in education is to enhance learning. The incorporation of technology into learning promotes a more active learning environment, by providing authentic, applied and experiential learning opportunities that lecture alone cannot. Technology, such as virtual worlds, serious gaming, and high-frequency simulations, allow the combination of authentic, applied, and experiential learning to provide, as well as evaluate, student learning. Many of these programs are marketed as edutainment, implying the educational and entertainment qualities of the experiences offered.

As a future educator, I recognize the importance of incorporating technology to advance learning by promoting an active learning environment using a constructivist theory. I am academically energized by the experiential learning opportunities available; as well as the active learning, feedback, and evaluation opportunities that can occur with other experiences, such as building an e-portfolio. Concurrently, I recognize the importance of not being enchanted by the technology, and always keeping the learning objectives in-sight. When examining technological options for a lesson plan the question should always be posed, “how will this advance learning towards the objective?”. Additionally, I recognize that technology is not an equal opportunity for all learners. Some learners will easily locate the edutainment within a technology based learning activity. For those learners that are easily frustrated with technology, or have little to no technological skills, these learning activities can quickly become more about the technology, than the learning objective. Many colleges and universities, recognizing the importance of technology in education, have incorporated technology skills labs into their learning resource centers. One of the most important elements required to support technology in the classroom is to have an educator that is techno-savy. This may require some professional development for the educator. Edutopia provides a list of things an educator can do to model technology use in the classroom. As technology is so dynamic, it is important for educators to realize that their skills will need to grow; always adapting to an ever changing environment.

1 comment:

  1. Reminder:


    1. Each Blog Reflection minimally includes one graphic and two hyperlinks.
    2. Hyperlinks must be linked to words – no http: addresses are acceptable.
    3. All hyperlinks must be functioning
    4. Over the course of the 6 weeks, the blog includes at least TWO embedded videos that are meaningful and relevant to the reflection at hand. Videos must be EMBEDDED and not hyperlinked.
    5. Over the course of the 6 weeks, the blog includes one (1) audio message in a form of your own choosing (Voki or YouTube )
    6. Visually depicts material and is appealing.
    7. Professional look
