am so excited to be a part of your educational experience, and am looking
forward to a sharing relationship based on mutual caring and respect. I
envision my role, as an educator, to function much like a guide, facilitator,
or navigator as we construct your learning experiences.
Prior to exploring the
possibilities of a student-centered educational paradigm, my approach to
education was somewhat unrealistic and uni-dimensional. I had felt that
educational relationships equaled the teacher teaching, and the student
learning. In other words, I felt the learning relationship was a one-way street
where the teacher was responsible for dispensing
education, while the student’s accountability was to consume and digest what was being dispensed, as a take-it or
leave-it opportunity. This teacher-centered
educational approach mimics how I was taught during most of my educational
experiences. Looking back upon my own nursing education, I recognized and
wanted to reflect some of the excellent characteristics of my most memorable
educators; however, I did not truly understand, nor appreciate the benefits of
the educational paradigm of student-centeredness,
based on a learning theory of constructivism,
nor the benefits of an active
learning environment.
opportunities have been afforded to me, by continuing my education.
Specifically, I have been allowed to reflect upon, invest in, and embrace some
evidence-supported educational theories, teaching strategies, and other
practices to help guide me as a nurse educator. I have begun to build a toolbox
of teaching strategies, and evaluation tools that, I hope, will promote your
learning. Within my toolbox are some excellent technology based learning tools
that can be used to advance our learning, while improving our computer, and
writing skills. Using some of these growing technologies will support our
active learning environment while providing some moments of fun; however we
should never lose sight of our learning objectives. As I promote our
technological learning opportunities, I will attempt to recognize and respond
to the needs of those students considered to be digital natives, digital
immigrants, or those digitally naive.
For those learners that consider themselves, digitally naive, fear not: as we will have many technological
resources available to support your learning. For those considered digital natives, please
know that I am more of a digital immigrant, and I look forward to you sharing
your skills. Our experiences together will not only help to advance your
educational and technological learning, but will further add teaching
strategies to my toolbox.
help move us forward in our partners-in-learning
relationship, I charge each of us
to follow my growing list of commandments
of learning:
- Always be respectful
- Be open to explore alternative learning opportunities
- Communicate clearly
- Demonstrate caring
- Embrace and encourage other perspectives
- Be flexible
- Be present, invested and involved in the active-learning process
- Appreciate and enjoy the Aha! Moments

Greater learning
success will be reaped once we partner our best efforts.
Together we can!